Laser Therapy

Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy:

Soft tissue lasers are a non-surgical approach to improved periodontal health.  Lasers work by eliminating bacteria in the periodontal pocket.  The bacteria produce dental plaque that contains endotoxins (poisons) that cause the destruction of tissue.

Lasers have the most effective impact on red, diseased or "unhealthy" tissues.  The laser energy hits the red target tissue and the tissue absorbs the energy of the laser changing this energy to heat.  The heat causes the target tissue to vaporize, disinfecting the tissue by removing the diseased epithelium or initial layer of tissue.  This exposes the healthier tissue layer and because the bacterial numbers are reduced, improved healing can occur.  

Why Laser?

Lasers effectively control severe infection.  Periodontal disease is episodic in nature.  It is similar to the disease diabetes in that it is not "curable" but we can control, maintain, and minimize it.  Commitment to periodontal supportive therapy appointments is crucial to the success of the treatment.  Using the latest technology and techniques we want to create the optimum environment to encourage your gum and bone heal without surgery.  Laser treatment is safe and effective for periodontal tissue treatment when performed by certified laser clinicians. 

How does treatment occur?

1. Initial visit.  To collect information on your individualized periodontal information.  This determines how many laser therapy sessions would most benefit you.  Diode laser education and questions are addressed at this visit.  A diagnosis is determined by Dr Syn and the dental hygiene team.  A preliminary cleaning will be performed. 

2.  Root debridement and (laser) detoxification (RDD) appointment.  Sites for treatment are prepared and anesthetic is administered if needed.  Debridement begins with deep scaling utilizing an ultrasonic scaler for removal of subgingival (below the gum line) calculus and the periodontal sites are treated with the laser.  Additional antibiotic treatment packs may be placed.  Instructions for care of the laser sited are discussed and demonstrated.  This appointment typically takes 2 hours.

3.  One week later at the second (RDD) retreatment appointment a re-evaluation of the first sites and initial treatment of the next sites are accomplished.

4.  One week after the second RDD appointment there is a follow up 1 hour appointment where the previous sites are re-evaluated and retreated.

5.  One month after there is a final follow up to re-evaluate and re-treat the sites and determine the best interval for periodontal maintenance visits.

6.  Periodontal maintenance visits are determined and set up for 3 or 4 months intervals to keep the bacteria from colonizing and causing the tissue to become diseased or "unhealthy" again.

Post-Operative care:

Warm salt water rinse, or dip and brush with chlorhexidine (Peridex).

No smoking for 48 hours.

Avoid hard, chewy or spicy foods.

Floss daily and use a power toothbrush 2-3 times a day.

It is not unusual for treated areas to bleed lightly or feel tender.

Your normal routine pain medication, Advil, Motrin, etc, may be taken as needed.

Please call (530) 865-4156 with any concerns about your treatment.

Results are dependent upon patient home care and commitment to regular hygiene appointments.

What else should I know?

Laser curettage plus scaling and root debridement:    

  • Reduces orally induced bacteremias (infections). 
  • Diode laser reveals a bactericidal effect and helps reduce inflammation  in periodontal pockets in addition to scaling.  This diode laser therapy, in combination with scaling, supports healing of the periodontal pockets through eliminating bacteria.


The photo-biological effect of lasers:

  • Pain relief, accelerated wound healing.
  • Reduced pocketing, less "food trap" areas.
  • Enhanced white blood cell activity for healing.

Dr Syn and his team are committed to providing state-of-the-are, cutting-edge dentistry for the health of your teeth and gums.


Send Us A Message

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the contact form below.

Wayne J.W. Syn, D.D.S.
Comprehensive Laser and Esthetic Dentistry

Orland Dentist, Dr. Wayne Syn is dedicated to excellence in general dentistry such as cleanings, restorations, and maintenance.


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